Since ancient times sheep were mostly black in color. It wasn’t until the discovery that white wool could be easily dyed in a wide array of colors that farmers began a selective breeding process leading to white sheep becoming the predominant strain. West12 values the authenticity and natural beauty found in the primordial – and now less widespread – dark-colored fleeces of Sarda sheep.
In the spirit of embracing earth’s diversity and the exquisite color tones nature has gifted us with, our wool colors have been enriched with three all-natural shades crafted through the careful blend of un-dyed fleeces.
After the sheep are sheared in the summer months, the process of mixing different color tones ranging from white, beige to various shades of brown is rigorously done by hand and the result are three extraordinarily beautiful all-natural hues: Écru (W01) Mélange Chiaro (W02) and Mélange Scuro (W03). Three exceptionally strong yet soft yarns, ideal for weaving rugs and beautifully authentic in preserving earth’s primordial color tones.

Écru (W01)

Mélange Chiaro (W02)

Mélange Scuro (W03)